Thursday 24 February 2011

magazine cover research

This is a recent magaziner cover for the well know film magazine empire. They have filled the page with different information which instantly draws the reader in and makes them want to read on.

Having a large pictrure of the main character of the harry potter films instantly aimes the product at the target marketr they are aiming for which is film enthusiasts of the target market ages range which with the Harry Potter films is all ages therefore giving the magazine the largest target market available.

A number of exclamatives are used such as MASSIVE to attract the audience and create some excitement on the cover so the reader cant wait to open the magazine and start reading.

WE will be basing our magazine cover on all of these key ideas and themes to make it as appealling to our target audience and well as having one of the main characters on the cover to set the scene on the magazine.

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Poster analysis and development

Poster Research and development
I will research past film posters of a similar genre to create an idea of what themes ,colours and layouts we wish to use in our final poster.

-        The gloomy atmosphere in the back ground helps to establish genre and create a mysterious and frightening image for the audience. The character in the forground gives an ideal representation of modern hegemony of a horror villain with his grubby dark clothes and mask it is a frightening portrayal to the audience as he is unrelatable and therefore scary. His mask means that he has no identity and the audience will then accociate his mask with death and violence.  
-          The text is in red which give connotations of blood and death , key themes in any horror film.
-          The woods in the background give a brief indictation of the locations where the film is set . Since it is in the woods it will give the audience an idea of the narrative and they will have an idea of the typical themes. This is also accompanied by the text at the top “ welcome to crystal lake” which gives the audience more information about the narrative.
-          This poster is very similar to the first. Gloomy background , mysterious character is the foreground. The characters face in blacked out which again is scary to the audience as they do not know how to identify the victim. However from the body language and location of the character in the poster it is as if she is spying on the inhabitants and the title “the uninvited” which has been written on the window by the villain using a finger on the steamed up glass give a very creepy and mysterious message to the audience. Who is now associated the narrative with a very sick and twisted plot.

-          The poster lacks any colour which adds to the mystery and creates an ore of sadness with the narrative.

Our Film poster will be based on the key themes highlighted in these two posters. I believe the gloomy background and scary villain in the forground is an ideal combination and i wish to execute the same image to the same extent in our poster.