Tuesday 30 November 2010

Our trailer Classification

Our Trailers Classification  
We wanted our trailer to be a 12 classification so that it can be screened on TV at early time in the day and it grabs a larger target audience base.
I would classify our in any way. There is a feeling of horror but is it in moderate consideration, and there are no frequent trailer as a 12, this is because it does not dwell on discrimination at all. The use of drugs is not shown or glamorised disturbing scenes. Imitable behaviour is also a no show in our trailer, there is also no use of weapons in any context in our trailer. There is no need for swearing in our trailer as we are keep the age barrier down. Sex is also a no show in our trailer as it is not necessary. Violence is using the use of silence as a way to build atmosphere. Nudity will not be shown due to us trying to limited as we wanted to get the audience to use their own imagination and we did not want to give too much away.  
According to the British Board of Film Classifications, our trailer would fall into the 12A/12 year’s classification.

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