Monday 29 November 2010

Trailer Conventions

We concentrated on one particular film Piranha. The genre of this film is horror/thriller; It uses several different techniques to get its genre across to the audience in the trailer. The first two main things I would say they use to get your attention is what you're seeing and what you're hearing directly. 
So as it is a horror/thriller they will want the tempo to be quite high, creating tension and a mystery to what is happening. To accompany this they use sound to create an atmosphere and to get your imagination going, the sound starting slowly and speeding up at particular moments grabbing your attention making you ask yourself what is going to happen at those several different points in the film. Along with the sound of the heart beat they added in the deep thumping sound, this may be used to get your own heart going by the tension it is building and the adrenaline which will be released.
The trailer shows a variety of things which the producer thinks will grab the audience’s attention making them want to come and watch this film. In this trailer they showed a large amount of partying and girls and guys in swimwear. I think they did this as it creates that elderly teenage atmosphere grabbing your attention by using props such as booze, swimwear, big speakers and big boat. A sort of ultimate part scenario. They then got across the horror/thriller genre of the film by showing specific points in the film which were increasingly bloody and would shock the viewer, making the audience ask themselves, "What is happening here ?", " This is new and different I wonder what will be next?", 
They also usually have a unique selling point, it can vary from having a very famous actor or having SFX, but in Piranhas case is was 3D, but as the trailer is on TV they could only show this using inter-titles. 

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