Friday 18 March 2011

Questionnaire results

We had 20 people between the ages of 15-20 take our questionnaire to give us an idication of what would be the most popular genre to go for and what narratives to use etc.

45% choose comedy as their favorite genre as opposed to the 50 percent who chose horror. The other 5 percent was made up of all of the other genres.

This is what we hoped as we knew that this genre would allow us to use a wide variety of filming techniques and tension building tactics to employ through out the trailer. We could also attempt to challenge the modern hegemony of characters and narratives used in our trailer if we wished. It also allowed us freedom to use lots of different applications such as garageband to there full extent to make really edgy sinister music for the trailer.

Asking what social group they belonged to help us to establish the audience by more than just their age and gave us an insight into what would appeal to them in our production.

When we asked what music they listed to 55 percent said hip hop and the other main majority was rock at 40 percent. So we knew it was important to incorporate both aspects into the trailer and our soundtrack has a strong mix of both with the hip mhop drum beat and the edgy heavy melody.

1 comment:

  1. Was just thinking that you could present these findings in a graph/table therefore using technology?
