Tuesday 29 March 2011



  1. James, your blog has now been marked.

    Planning and Research: James has worked in a pair for this coursework. His time management has generally been good. He has demonstrated proficient research into similar products and organisation and planning of setting, narrative etc using storyboards, animatics and lists - see'theatrical evaluation of Fate' post. 14/20

  2. Evaluation: James has tried hard to use technology and ICT to present his evaluation. He shows that he understand the forms and conventions of the media products with 'final evaluation' post demonstrating proficient understanding. Proofreading could have improved the communication of several points made. 14/20

  3. Media Texts: The trailer uses sound and images appropriately, holding a shot steady when needed. Some thought about mise-en-scene evident. Ancillary tasks generally matched to main task with good understanding of form, layout and conventions. 40/60
